Working Together to Keep Your Group
Health Plan On Target

When you work with your local insurance agent, you get the best of both worlds: dedicated, local support that contributes to the local economy, combined with the highest level of group health consultation and expertise available in the Midwest.
This website outlines the unique array of tools, resources, and market-leading products available to you. While some of the innovative offerings may not fit your situation now, please know they are available should your needs or situation change in the future.
When in doubt, simply ask. Exceeding your expectations is a top priority!
Enhanced Services and Solutions Available to You
Ancillary & Voluntary Products

Incorporating voluntary products can be a great way to strengthen your benefit package, without adding extra cost (i.e. 100% employee-paid). Voluntary products can also help set you apart from your competitors and give your employees another reason to stay with your company.
Teladoc is one
of the most
telehealth solutions on the market today. Whether your health plan is fully-insured, self-funded, an association plan, or something else, Teladoc is a great solution to save your employees co-pay dollars and save you employee productivity as they won’t need time off to visit a doctor.